Command And Conquer Generals Zero Hour Uncut Patch
Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour / Die Stunde Null. Prezentaciya na temu neobichnie doma na anglijskom yazike. C&C Generals: Zero Hour [ENGLISH] No-CD/Fixed Image. Zero Hour v1.04 Patch. Jun 2, 2017 - c&c generals zero hour age problem - posted in C&C:Online Support: Hello every one!! I have a problem in c&c zero hour when I want to log in.
Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour IMPORTANT UPDATE FROM THE BATTLEFIELD © 2003 Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved. For latest news and updates visit GENERALS.EA.COM - - Incoming transmission - - General, Several of our loyal supporters have passed along intelligence that has allowed the Generals Intelligence Agency to uncover and repair several glitches in your Zero Hour tactical software. Your software has been updated accordingly.
Free download pangya bonus pang hack programs for battle pc. Generals Intelligence Agency - - End transmission - - Version 1.04 – March, 2005 1. GLA WORKER - Slow supply gather rate problem fixed.
Online lobby sorts alphabetically instead of by rank. MOUNTAIN FOX - Missing bridge bug fixed. Version 1.03 – February, 2005 1. COMMAND CENTER CRASH- fixed the crash that would occur when upgrading a fake GLA command center. GARRISONED BUNKER CRASH- fixed the crash that would occur when a stealth bomber attacked a garrisoned bunker or palace. FIXED THE UNFINISHED BUILDING EXPLOIT * Scud Storm (All GLA Generals) * Firebase (all USA Generals) * Gattling Tower (all China Generals) * Patriot Missile (all USA Generals) * Tunnel Network (Stealth and Demolition Generals) 4. WORKERS STOPPING- fixed the problem that would cause GLA workers to stop gathering resources when buying the Fortified Building Upgrade.
GLA CAPTURING OPPONENT’S COMMAND CENTER- fixed an issue that caused the user’s general’s powers to become un-clickable after he captured an opponent’s command center. COLONEL BURTON- fixed the bug where he could destroy aircraft by knife-attack.
TANK HUNTER- his explosives no longer disappear when he dies. Instead, they explode. SENTRY DRONES- no longer automatically engage on enemy units when stealthed. USA AIR FORCE GENERAL- the rangers are now specific to the faction, rather than being the default USA rangers. COMANCHES- now get the red rocket trails when they achieve heroic rank. TEXT CHANGES- the tooltip for the Laser Defense Turret now indicates the correct power usage. TOXIN GENERAL- Anthrax bomb now has Gamma toxin by default.
BOMB TRUCK DISGUISED AS AVENGER- now uses the correct Avenger Model. ADDED NEW MAPS! ALL USA GENERALS a. RAPTOR & STEALTH FIGHTER- fixed the laser missile upgrade.
PILOT- displays upgrade cameos for chemical suits and advanced training. Blades no longer collide with anything.
Rocket pod “instant damage speed” removed. No longer takes damage from flashbangs. HUMVEE- transported units can now directly target air units. TOMAHAWK- now drop salvage crate when destroyed by GLA. SCOUT DRONE- Reduced effects of armor upgrade from 50% to 25%. HELLFIRE DRONE- Reduced effects of armor upgrade from 50% to 25%. SPY DRONE- now displays the upgrade cameo for drone armor.
FIREBASE- Armor adjusted to be vulnerable to snipers and immune to melee and laser damage. SENTRY DRONE- i. Benefits from drone armor upgrade granting 25% bonus.
Laser turret no longer has sight range. Composite armor upgrade has been removed. Now displays cameo for hellfire drone. Damage received vs. Jet missiles improved from 30% to 23%. Fixed the bug where the map would become slightly uncovered when building an avenger. Locomotor has been corrected.
BATTLE DRONE- Increased vehicle repair rate from 5 to 10 points per second. FLASHBANGS- increased primary damage from 25 to 35. SPECTRE GUNSHIP- level 1 hit points decreased from 1000 to 600. USA (BASE FACTION) a. SPECTRE GUNSHIP- now grants less experience when killed.