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It’s easy to believe the world is filled with hatred. It assaults our eyes and ears at each turn. The stories of kindness people send me are a lifeline when we need to remember there is good in this world. Whether it’s buying books for a roomful of people or helping out a harried mom, kindness continues to push back the dark and light up the space around us. In case you need to be reminded of the goodness, here are two sweet stories: “While walking into Essentia Health in Fargo for an appointment, I noticed an elderly couple leaving. The gentleman was pushing his wife in a wheelchair and it was raining hard. Acharya anil vats software.

I did what I could to keep them covered with my big umbrella while the man was getting his wife in their car. Then I helped him fold the wheelchair into the trunk. That simple act made me feel better all day long, and only took about five minutes. Sure, I helped them, but they made me feel a lot better as well.” — Dick Zollar. “Sometimes we learn how to grow in kindness simply by observing.

In a grocery store line one day, a woman was struggling with groceries, little kids, a crying baby and apparently a lost checkbook. People in line were rolling their eyes (including me, I must admit) while this woman struggled. Finally a young man came forward and said to the woman, ‘How about letting me hold the baby while you find your checkbook?’ 'So simple, so obvious, and yet none of us thought of it.

The baby stopped fussing and played with the man's car keys. The woman found her checkbook. We all got on with our lives. 'I remember this so clearly. When I see mothers struggling, I usually ask if I can help. I'm not great with babies, but I do understand being overwhelmed at times, and a little touch of kindness is all that is needed.

These days when I'm shopping, I sort of hope a baby will put up a fuss so I can be the hero of the day. (Kidding!)” — Patt Jackson. When we look for ways to brighten a seemingly dark world, we all get to be heroes. Please continue to share your stories of kindness with me at. Or send a letter to Kindness is Contagious c/o Nicole J.

Phillips, The Forum, 101 5th St. N., Box 2020, Fargo, ND 58107. Phillips, a former Fargo television anchor, is a speaker, author and host of The Kindness Podcast.

She lives in Athens, Ohio, with her three children and her husband, Ohio University Men’s Head Basketball Coach Saul Phillips. You can visit Nicole at

Development build v1.5.2456) OGL HW mode Safe preset MTVU speed hack 'Auto Flush' HW hack enabled Triple filter hack enabled (no change if disabled) Accurate Data: Enabled (no change if disabled) Blending Accuracy: High (no change if disabled) CRC Hack Level: Partial *Note: Using CRC hack level 'Full' it fixes the offset double image yet also disables part of the effects so removes the heat haze/ripple effect seen when a sunny afternoon. When up-scaling 2x-8x mode a very noticeable 'double' or 'ghost' outline left and above of the original image is present. It appears linked to the viewing angle as moves with camera angle. This was first reported on radiosity bug by The last comment from on seems to be accurate. The issue is still present even on OGL/DX11 software modes yet barely visible at native resolution, yet up-scaling seems to move and offset the radiosity pass as does using widescreen - meaning the passes for effects no longer match up.