Moschnij Impuljsnij Blok Pitaniya Dlya Umzch Na 1000 Vt

Moschnij Impuljsnij Blok Pitaniya Dlya Umzch Na 1000 Vt 3,5/5 1400 votes

Products manufactured by Zimmer Biomet were not originally designed to be compatible with products from other manufacturers. There was no assurance that products from different companies may be safely used in combination with each other. This website has been developed to address the potential compatibility of product families across Zimmer Biomet companies. In order to establish compatibility, testing and/or engineering evaluations are being completed to assure our global customers that paired products can safely be used in combination.

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To ensure patient safety, refer to the package insert or other accompanying product information that is provided with the implant. Hip Product Compatibility Below are links to tables that show the compatibility of paired products. Please follow these instructions: • Locate the category of product pairings of interest.

• Click on the link to the desired table. • Locate the products of interest in both the row and column. • Find that box that corresponds to the selected products. Boxes that contain a checkmark indicate corresponding products in the row and column have been assessed for functional compatibility by Zimmer Biomet and are functionally compatible.


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Boxes that contain a shaded box indicate corresponding products in the row and column are not functionally compatible or have not been assessed as being functionally compatible by Zimmer Biomet. Please note that only those product combinations containing a checkmark in the corresponding box have been assessed as being functionally compatible for use together. All other possible product combinations must not be used together. Be sure to check for proper Regulatory approvals in your country prior to using any products found on this website. This website will be updated as product pairings are assessed for functional compatibility by Zimmer Biomet. Please be sure to check this website regularly to ensure that you have the most current information. Note the revision date in the top right corner of each table.