Schecter Van Nuys Serial Numbers

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In the 80ies, Mark Knopfler was probably the most famous user of Schecter guitars. He bought several Schecters in 1980 at Rudy’s Music Stop in New York, mainly because he was looking for a guitar that was easier to play and better suited for the high demands on the road than the vintage Fenders he played before. Also his former girl-friend played a Schecter which he said was much better than his Fender guitars. So what was the story behind the Schecter company? Schecter Guitar Research started around 1976 in Van Nuys, California, when David Schecter opened his repair and custom guitar shop. He soon started to produce his own quality guitar parts which were intended to replace some stock parts on common guitars. Especially the Fender Stratocaster and Telecaster were the ideal guitar to be hot-rodded, since all their parts could be replaced much easier than with the laminated constructions that Gibson used, and the quality of Fender guitars was possibly at the lowest in the Fender history.

We got it all - a Schecter ad from 1979 Because of their background as supplier of upgrade parts, Schecter soon was mainly known for (a) exotic woods Unlike Fender who build their guitars from rather common woods (ash, elder, maple.), Schecter specialized in beautiful exotic woods, like Shedua, Koa, Cocobola, Pau Fero, Mahogany, Rosewood, Purple Heart, or figured maple (necks), or Red Oak, Paduak, Zebrawood, Teak, Koa, Anjico, Imbuya, and many more (bodies). As you see, trading with protected tropical woods was not an issue in the 70ies yet. All necks were one-piece which means they did not have a separate fingerboard (as Mark Knopfler’s red Tele had, but this was a very late model). They had 21 frets, 22 frets were a later trend started by heavy metal guitarists in the 80ies. If you upgraded your guitar with such a beautiful exotic wood, you don’t want to hide it behind a solid finish, consequently the typical Schecter guitar was bare wood, or an oil finish, although laquer was offered for additional charge. Exotic woods for necks, from left to right: Pau Fero, Shedua, Cocobola (b) brass hardware In the seventies it was common believe that a guitar should ideally be rather heavy in order to have a lot of sustain.

Surprisingly today many players prefer light-weighted woods, and talk rather about tone than sustain. One way to improve sustain – which means how long a note will last – was to replace the steel hardware with brass hardware. For this reason not only Schecter but also Mighty Mite – the second big parts supplier – and Fender themselves offered brass hardware as an upgrade in the late 70ies.

A very old Schecter Tele. Assembled guitars that were considered the same as the Van Nuys-built 'factory' guitars. I don't see a serial number on this one so I. Jan 18, 2017 - Serial numbers are four digits only. Dating a Schecter Strat. Then 1268 and 1053 must be really early, Tom Anderson, Van Nuys you think?

Fender even released an upgraded Stratocaster with the model name The Strat in 1980 that came with a brass bridge, a brass nut, and matching brass knobs. By the way, Schecter also supplied the big manufactureres like Fender and Gibson with parts, so possibly some of the brass master series parts by Fender were actually produced by Schecter. (c) beefed-up pick-ups In the 70ies, there were hardly any high-gain amps, again something that was more a child of the 80ies.

Schecter Van Nuys Serial Numbers

Nevertheless, the first amp manufacturers or amp repair specialists were successful with offering high-gain mods, e.g. The first Mesa Boogies based on a Fender circuit that was modified to have more distortion. Another way to increase the distortion abilities was to replace the stock Fender pick-ups with overwound pick-ups. This was what DiMarzio started in the early 70ies.

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